Kawazu Bagatelle Park or the Jardin de Bagatelle
"Jardin de Bagatelle"
Last Summer in Japan the weather was really hot, it's humid and stifling but the feeling of having my parents with us is so much more heart igniting. Wandering around in one of the best flower gardens I have ever visited so far last year, the Kawazu Bagatelle Park or "Jardin de Bagatelle", it is known to be the sister park of Jardin de Bagatelle of Paris, France, it was established on the 28th of April 2001. This symmetric French-style rose garden was calculated thoroughly which makes it more look fancy, 18th century inspired. Looking back to my wanderlust experience. Buds begin to flower adding the splash of color, the cheeping sparrows invade the garden looking for juicy grubs and shiny seeds as the light leaks. The butterflies are like having a party. I can see them all around.The smell of the roses is like sweet scents that register to someone who smells it and luckily I'm one of them. To me it's like an enchanted garden come to life, a childhood dream came true, to be surrounded by beautiful roses with someone I love. I was lost in the marvel of Summer and its heat. Summer magnifies the richness of color. I love how my family and I spent our Summer.
Having been in a major operation giving birth, gone through a postpartum depression I can say that it made me feel better and for awhile forget what I went through. To someone who's looking for serenity it's the best place for you.The pictures were taken using my phone. I hope you enjoy. For more information just click on the link below.
The Orangerie
A multipurpose hall wherein various events are held.
The Pergola of climbing Rose
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